Admissions » Incoming Freshman & New Student Information

Incoming Freshman & New Student Information

Accepted Student Night Information:


Incoming Freshman Picnic
June TBD, 2025; 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm 

The BSHS Peer Mentors are planning a fun afternoon for the Class of 2029! This is not a mandatory event, but is the perfect way to meet many of your new classmates and get ready for a great four years at Bishop Stang High School! The picnic will include lunch in the cafeteria, meeting new teachers and lots of fun & games! Dress casual and comfortably.


Parents are welcome to drop off students or stay for the entire event. A brief Parent Meeting will be held at 12:15 pm, to go over a New Parent Summer Checklist (the list will be posted for those unable to attend).


Due to varying school calendars, June is a difficult month to plan an event! We understand that some students may still be in school on June TBD. In previous years if this has been the case, some students took a half day off of school to be able to come to join us. We understand that this is not always possible. While attendance at the picnic is encouraged, it isn't mandatory. 


2024 Summer Reading Selections 

See below for the New 2024 Summer Reading Assignments: These assignments are based on the student's English course level and must be completed before students return to school in August. Contact Mrs. Lovegrove if you do not know your English course level @ 508-996-5602 x435 or [email protected] 


Uniform Ordering Information 

  • Lands' End Online Uniform Store
  • Lands' End has a storefront at the Burlington Mall (Burlington, MA) with a uniform shop. You can stop in at any time to find a size run of uniforms and fit specialists available to help you with sizing. The shop does not carry Bishop Stang items to purchase however staff will be able to help you with the ordering process.
  • We have recently collected gently used uniform pieces to build our in-house uniform closet. We will now be able to offer families an opportunity to try some items on here at Bishop Stang. This will be available Tuesdays from 8am - 12:30pm starting Tuesday, July 9th. 

New Parent Summer To Do List

Quick access to links and contacts for everything that needs to be accomplished prior to the start to school from ordering uniforms and books to the computer device requirements. An updated list will be posted in June.


Other Important Information!

  • Computer Device Requirements: Refer to this when deciding which computer device will work for your student
  • Program of Studies: Complete listing of course offerings for this academic year
  • Important Contacts: This is a quick access list of contact information for the people with whom our new families most often need to speak. The Admissions Office is always a great place to start if you are unsure who your question is for.
  • Financial Information 2024 - 2025 School Year

Health Office Paperwork

Please contact our school nurse, Laura Duarte,RN, directly with any questions regarding your student's health, or if you need to forward a current physical or immunization record, [email protected] or 508-996-5602 x426.

Release of Records Request Form 

Some sending schools require written notification in order to release a student's records at the end of the current school year (usually in June). If your child's current school requires written notification, download this form, sign and send it to the student's current school to authorize the release of official records to Bishop Stang at the end of the school year.

Enrollment Packet and Course Selection

Incoming freshmen and families will complete the course selection process through the online enrollment packet. An email will have been sent to one parent/guardian in the student's primary household with directions for accessing the Family Portal and the Enrollment Packet.

Welcome To Our New Spartans!